Exodus Series
Pentecost 11A, Sunday August 28th, 2011.
Ocean Forest
Freed to Follow
Exodus 3: 1-15
There is a lot in a name. Once a person knows your name they know a lot about you. Maybe this is why we are reluctant to give our name to another person sometimes, especially in this world of special media and the like. You never know how your name is going to be used or abused. That’s the thing about our names, they are personal and our name is our reputation.
Things don’t go so well for our young leader Moses in his early 20’s. This man who was “drawn from the water” of the Nile, raised by his own mother, and yet raised undercover in the royal palace of the Pharaoh, somehow learns over time that he is not Egyptian, but one of the slave caste – a Hebrew.
God identifies himself to Moses in the way that Moses would understand. “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the God of your ancestors and your people in Egypt”.
“I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering….”, and,
8 So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites….. 10 So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
• Like asking a man to talk about “feelings” for a whole hour!
• Like asking a small group of Christians to evangelise a whole population of people among whom they live
• Like asking a parent to raise a perfect child who will never make mistakes or get things wrong.
This Call to Moses is completely impossible for Moses. He knows it and he responds with four reasons why God is asking way too much of him.
2. The he asks the other obvious question of this crazy God: “Well, who are you? In other words, “How do I know you can do this impossible thing, anyway?”, or “What have you got that would show me that you have any authority and power to do this silly thing you’re asking of me?”
3. And for all of us who don’t like fighting with others or being made to look silly, Moses voices this question, What if I believe you but they don’t? To this objection God gives Moses a sign of his authority that will be at work through his words and deeds. Moses doesn’t need his own authority and power; he has God’s authority and power to get the job done.
4. Later on Moses also acknowledges his own shortcomings and uses that as a reason why he cannot do this. “I lack word skills”, he says. Maybe he stutters or just does not know the words he reckons he needs to know to match an Egyptian royal court.
5. Moses also does the old “transference of the problem onto someone else” trick by just saying, “Send someone else!”
“I am a nobody”
I can’t do it”
I can’t trust you, God.
I don’t know if you can do this
I know my weaknesses and they are too many and great to do this
Please send someone else to do this
“Well, who are you?”
Not your concern, Moses. You don’t have to convince them, I will by my own ways – my authority and power.
I speak. I will give you the words and understanding you need on a daily basis as you go – not in advance.
I will also help you with those – I will give you colleagues and friends (Aaron, your brother, for instance……)
No, you are my person for this calling. I will get you the help you need in the community and I will give you my power and ability to fulfil this calling. You’re my chosen one for this.
You have to feel for Moses. God has him all set up. The burning bush; all the reasons why not covered. All his doubts taken care of. Moses really can only go one way – God’s way. He has been “shoulder tapped” by God and given quite amazing promises by God.
God is giving Moses his own authority and power to fulfil his humanly impossible task of setting people free from hard labour to idolatry and slavery. God is assuring Moses that his own intentions are very good – to rescue people from the fear of the world and the fear of “the gods” in which they now live.
But the greatest gift that Moses is receiving is not just for him. It is for all who follow in the faith of Moses.
14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites:
‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers— the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’
“This is my name forever,
the name you shall call me
from generation to generation.
Yes, there is a lot in a name and a whole new world in this name!
This is the holy name of God to be remembered for all time – and used by all who live by faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – the God of the Bible.
This is God’s personal name, never uttered before this day on the mountain to a shoeless shepherd of sheep who will become the great shepherd of Israel – all by God’s authority and power, not his.
This name would become a name treated with the utmost respect and only used by certain people in certain ways on certain occasions under strict conditions in the worship of God’s people.
It is the name that reveals God’s character but also veils him too. God is. God is willing to be known and can be known, and yet God is God – God just is – beyond, and yet up close and personal.
This is name by which God’s people will have personal access to him in Moses day and beyond. They can pray to the God whom they know and are known by – personally. When they gather in worship, God promises to be personally present by his name. He will bless them with what would become the blessing he gives to Aaron (which we still use today) and he will hear their cries, their prayers, the requests and act – all by this name.
So, you think you can’t do what you know God is asking you to do?
So, you think you don’t have enough understanding of the bible or the church or spirituality or the words people use or the skills set to live in your vocation or do the ministry God is calling you to do?
Listen to “I AM”
I AM the Good Shepherd.
I AM the gate for the sheep to come in to God’s presence
I AM the bread of life – I will sustain you with my own body – the bread of life
I AM the way of life, the truth of life and the life within you.
Friends, we don’t need what we think we need to be his people and fulfil our mission. Our only authority and power for living out our calling as God’s holy people in an unholy world is his name.
We are sealed with his name and powered by his name – the name of Jesus, “I AM”.
We are promised by his name – “I will be with you”. “I am with you”
You think your useless – I am with you
You getting a bit slack – I am with you
You trying to palm of your calling on to others – I am with youYou think you don’t know enough – I am with you
You think you can’t do what I want – I am with you.